Traveling with a film camera.....

I was lucky enough (or silly enough, I leave that up to you to decide) to leave my digital camera with friends in the UK when I left on an adventure to the Netherlands. My first ever solo trip and well I wanted to take minimal luggage, so I chucked in my film camera, some clothes and jumped on a plane all by myself with absolutely no idea what was in store for me, when I tell you I was shitting myself, I really was, first time solo traveling, all alone in a country I had no idea about with no one I knew living remotely close by. Yep that's one way to really get yourself out of your comfort zone and give yourself some serious heart palpitations hahaha

Anyway back to the good part, I landed in the Netherlands and was met by the kindest and raddest family who had two beautiful daughters that were 3 and 1 at the time. Now I say they were the raddest because the Mum was very much like Me, quite a spontaneous person so what started with staying in the Netherlands with their family soon turned into buying an RV that fit us all and then going traveling. We obviously started in the Netherlands (beautiful place highly recommend it) We then started making our way down, through Belgium, France and Spain then catching a ferry over to Morocco for a few weeks. Then back to Spain for a while and then we went up to stunning Switzerland and through the French Alps slowly making our way back to the Netherlands and also a cheeky trip over to Germany for the Christmas festivities, they have some seriously good Glühwein there.

As you can tell this was easily one of the best experiences in my life cause I've rambled on for quite a while now, which ill try and wrap up.

This trip was full of core memories, friendships, lots of learning curves and growth as a person, its inevitable when you are on your own, with all of these fabulous stories and adventures there were many photos taken which I am documenting for you here, as well as some from when I journeyed back to Scotland and the UK.

Firstly, if you read through this whole short story of mine thank you for that you legend and secondly, please enjoy traveling the world through my eyes.

Love, S x

Go Capture your Adventures!